Scar treatment with acupuncture
Scar formation is a natural part of the body’s healing process, when the skin has to repair an injury after operations, accidents such as blows, falls, etching, fire or illness. The greater the skin damage, the longer it takes for the skin to heal, with the risk of visible scars. At first, a scar will be red and thick, and gradually become pale and smaller. The redness typically disappears after approx. 3 months and will have its final form after 6-12 months.
It can also be a hypertrophic scar.
A superficial scar that has not cut meridians can be completely unproblematic. However, after the repair process is complete, some scars may continue to be red, discolored, thickened, swollen, itchy, and tender to the touch. Injuries that have cut meridians will often cause problematic scars, and can have an impact on the general state of health both physically and mentally. Here there will be effective help from acupuncture.
Good advice against scars
Regardless of location and size, scars can be perceived as a personal problem. Some accept and learn to live with their scars, while others are always aware of the scar, whether it is cosmetic or causes physical discomfort.
There are a number of treatment options that can make both new and old scars less noticeable. Some are relatively expensive and can be painful, while others can cause side effects.
With scar treatment with acupuncture, there will be no side effects, and the body will painlessly restore the imbalances caused by the injury. The actual treatment with cosmetic acupuncture takes place with thin, sterile needles and with electrical stimulation on larger and more problematic scars, where you will be able to experience good results after a few treatments.
Treatment at Apunkt
At Apunkt, we have over 20 years of experience with, among other things, scar treatment and the discomfort you must have in connection with scar tissue. In order to be able to treat correctly, it is important to first be diagnosed correctly. We therefore adapt an individual treatment course to the individual patient, where we jointly prepare your medical record.
Call today on 33 15 15 01 or contact us so you can get the help you need.